Christmas in Parma

As Promised, Our house is ready for Santa. Our Christmas Open House was cancelled due to lack of RSVP responses. Without knowing if anyone was going to show up, I encouraged Eloise to cancel. It seems that courtesy is no longer common. So for those to far to travel to Idaho, I have a few pictures to post for you.

Exterior on 5th Street.

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On front porch, front door


Enter front door and on the right, the music room

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Living room

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Dining room

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Guest Bathroom




Winter Setting In

And we, of course, are decorating the house.

Xmas Front Door 2019Xmas Parma 2019

Eloise is prepping the interior of the house.

Xmas Hutch 2019Xmas Nativity 2019Xmas TAble 2019

We received our first snow this week. A few inches at best. The temperature has actually raised about 10 degrees from last week, otherwise it would have been sleet. I’ll post a picture of the house when the next snow sticks long enough to capture. This will be the last Christmas in Parma as we are approving the site plan for the Caldwell property this week.